August 26, 2009

The City of 100 Spires, part II

...really, though, there are MANY more than 100 spires and dozens more churches. The buildings themselves are absolutely stunning; it just so happens that almost all of the churches are now tourist hot-spots, museums, or concert venues, forgotten temples now with empty pews and void of worship.

St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague Castle

The most famous stained-glass window in St. Vitus

Check out the organ!

View of Prague Castle and St. Vitus (in sunlight!)

Old Town Square and Tyn Church

Jan Hus statue and Tyn Church

Old Town Hall

St. Nicholas

Cathedrals have tried in vain
To show the image of your face.
But we are, by your design,
The signature of divine.

We'll always sing your name.
Forever and today.

Yahweh, Yahweh...
Great is your glory when you go before me
Oh, we sing...
Holy, Holy...
Your ways are lovely. So high above me.

The fortunes of kings and queens
Are wasted chasing what we've seen.
Cause we are, by your reprieve,
The beauty framed by your suffering.

We'll always sing your name.
Forever and today.

Yahweh, Yahweh...
Great is your glory when you go before me
Oh, we sing...
Holy, Holy...
Your ways are lovely. So high above me.

Take me, and pull me through.
Cause I can't move without you.
I won't leave you alone, you say.
It will be okay.

Yahweh, Yahweh...
Great is your glory when you go before me
Oh, we sing...
Holy, Holy...
Your ways are lovely. So high above me.

Ancient of Days...

Now playing: Needtobreathe - Signature of Divine (Yahweh)
via FoxyTunes


Izzy said...

Wow. St. Vitus Cathedral is freaking amazing! Is it really not being used for anything other than a tourist spot? What a shame!

Hope you're doing well! xoxo


Sally said...

Hmmm...I'm pretty sure they do have services there -- maybe just Mass on Saturday or Sunday -- but from the shear number of people walking through it (and not necessarily doing anything spiritual -- lighting candles, praying, etc), it really seems like almost entirely a tourist spot. St Nicholas in Old Town Square advertises concerts every day, so it's hard to imagine it as a real church anymore.